0.5mm 1mm 1.5mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm FR-4 Water Green G10 Insulation Board FR-4 3240 Epoxy Resin Board Glass Fiber Board 3D Printing
fiberglass board
product name
FR-4 Epoxy Glass Cloth, insulation board, epoxy resin board, FR-4, glass fiber board, FR-4 reinforcement board, FPC reinforcement board, FR-4 epoxy resin board, flame retardant insulation board, FR- 4 glass fiber boards,
Heat resistant
150-200 (?)
water green, yellow, black
Specification thickness
0.2-50 (mm)
0.3 (mm)
The length and width of the whole board
Product Size
3.94X3.94 inches/3.94x5.91 inches/5.91x5.91 inches/7.87x7.87 inches/9.25x9.25 inches/9.84x9.84 inches/11.81x11.81 inches/12.99x12.99 inches/13.78x13 .78 inches 15.75x15.75 inches/11.81x19.69 inches etc.
Product thickness
0.5mm 1mm 1.5mm 2mm 2.5mm 3mm 4mm 5mm
cutting method
CNC cutting with engraving machine to ensure smooth cutting surface
scope of application
Products that require high-performance electronic insulation, such as FPC reinforcement boards, PCB drilling backing boards, glass fiber mesons, carbon film printing glass fiber boards for potentiometers, precision planetary gears (chip grinding), precision test boards, electrical (electrical) equipment Insulation stay partitions, insulation backing plates, transformer insulation plates, motor insulation parts, grinding gears, electronic switch insulation plates, electronic gaskets, electrical appliances
Sound absorption, sound insulation, heat insulation, environmental protection, flame retardant
Custom process
Customers provide drawings or samples of products, including specific data. We determine whether it can be customized according to the drawing,
custom fee
We will decide whether to charge customization fees according to the difficulty of customization.